Leopold Group and Together for Cambodia




The Children's Home

The Children’s Home


The Leopold Group are delighted to formally announce our commitment to supporting the amazing Together for Cambodia charity.

Having personally experienced the daily challenges faced by this tiny orphanage in Siem Reap, Cambodia – we were struck by the fantastic work done by Lidia Linde Ginesta. The charity makes a huge difference to the lives of many young children – giving them a real start in life. It relies entirely on donations to ensure that they have a home, a caring environment to grow in and some food in their bellies – but more importantly – a simple education which enable them to become well mannered, independent, self-sufficient adults.

Without Lidia and the support of the donors, the future for these children would be bleak and the likelihood is that they would be drawn into a world of abuse, violence and crime.
We have agreed to become sponsors in the hope that we can go even a small way to fulfilling those childrens’ hopes and dreams.

Watch this space – for news about our fundraising efforts – and about how you can help us help this wonderful cause.

Why not visit the Together For Cambodia Website http://www.togetherforcambodia.org/

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